Stock Calculator

Sample Stock Market Calculators for your use, make it a habit to check from calculator whenever you are going to sell your shares.

Col Financial, Philstocks, AB Capital, BPI, AAA Equities, FirtsMetroSec have almost the same fee computations as far as I checked from their own website, so if you happen to have a different online broker fees you may suggests from comment section, I'll see if I can make one and post it here.

For BDO Nomura still have no PSE transaction fee and have a new fee structures if below 8k worth of single trade would only require â‚±20 commission fee,  BPI Trade has the same fees like COL Financial so those whose broker under BPI you may use calculator below.

How to use stock market calculator simply fill up the no of shares, buy price and sell price. Whereas using the Pivot point calculator you may check this for instructions on how to use (here).

You may wish to use also the online calculators found in this site, just click which broker is applicable. Check from Online Calcu tab section between charts and studies tab above.

A short video on how to use these stock market calculators.

UPDATED stock calculator for 2018 with tax reform on stock transaction tax from 0.5% to 0.6% applied.

Single Cell Stock Market Calculator for COL, Philstocks, AB Capital, BPI Trade, AAA Equities, First Metro Sec only


Twelve Cells Stock Market Calculator for COL, Philstocks, AB Capital, BPI Trade, AAA Equities, First Metro Sec


Twelve Cells Stock Market Calculator for BDO Nomura, only

*Lately First Metro Sec broker has already started to include PSE transaction fee.


Pivot Point Calculator and Fibonacci Pivot Point Calculator


Here's an added VAR calculator for your risk management you may read from this post and watch from given video link for additional knowledge.


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  1. Use our Trading calculators app to make accurate calculations at the right time to make the most out of your trades. With our range of online calculators, you can complete a number of important trading calculations in order to help you evaluate your risk and monitor profit or loss for each trade you carry out.

    1. thanks for sharing but app is more on forex and not much applicable to Philippine stock market but will be advantage to those who want to go into forex and crypo, anyway thanks for dropping by

  2. May I know the formula for selling. gumagawa kasi ako ng sarili kong excel. thank you.

    1. You may pattern with COL Financial if you are using COL

      Other brokers don't have PSE trans fee like BDO Nomura and FirstMetrosec (check with your broker)

      Formula number of shares multiplied with your desired selling price(gross amount sold) then deduct the following

      0.25% commission from gross amount sold (take note of this if less than 20 you still get to pay 20Php as minimum)
      12% vat from commission
      0.005% PSE trans fee from gross amount sold
      0.01% SCCP fee from gross amount sold
      0.6% Sales tax from gross amount sold

      hope that helps

  3. I cant download the calculator and everytime I tried to Im always redirected to adzfun page. Please help me. Thanks!

    1. Solve media, click to continue, wait for timer, scroll down and click get link after timer
      then click on free download, wait for generating download, click download, proceed download,solve captcha, start download

  4. Hello sir, which of these stock market calculator can I use? My broker is AAA Southest Equities. Thank you.

    1. AAA fees same as COL Financial so go for COL Philstocks AB Capital calculators, happy trading!
